Emilia Bourland, OTR, ECHM, CFPS

Occupational Therapist, Author, Speaker, Educator, Founder and CEO of Higher Standards Caregiver Training

Emilia Bourland, OTR, ECHM is the president and founder of Higher Standards Caregiver Training, as well co-founder of WCN University and The Purpose Project. She has been an occupational therapist for over 10 years, working in adult settings ranging from home health to the ICU, and everywhere in between. Emilia has worked as adjunct faculty at Texas Woman's University, teaching masters level occupational therapy students both hands on clinical skills and advanced professional reasoning. She has taught safe handling and care skills to nurses, caregivers, and clients/patients since the start of her career as an occupational therapist, and has worked extensively in the community providing home modification recommendations and fall prevention consulting to help people and organizations operate safely and successfully. Emilia holds her bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of Texas at Austin, her master's degree in occupational therapy from Texas Woman's University, and her Executive Certificate in Home Modification from the Leonard Davis School of Gerontology at the University of Southern California. She is nationally registered with the National Board of Certification of Occupational Therapists. Emilia has been academically published in "Topics In Stroke Rehabilitation," and is the creator of "The Guide to Successful Aging" Planning Tool. In addition to her role at Higher Standards Caregiver Training, Emilia also provides consulting services for new caregiving organization owners, fall prevention programs, and organizations specializing in medical/adaptive equipment use, safety, and design. She can be booked as an expert speaker for select events.

Kimberly A. Whiter, Ed.D

I spent over a decade cultivating a career in higher education. In 2019, I was presenting at a conference and was approached by a gentleman. He turned out to be one of the original Cofounders of Elder Care Solutions! He asked if I would be willing to consult with the business. ​ I had been presenting on scholarly work I was doing on interprofessionalism and interdisciplinary teams. I was taking a deep look at how professionals from different backgrounds and scopes of practice could come together to do the most good. He and his business partner had seen that the answers for paying for long-term care existed in a fragmented system of professionals and bureaucracies and needed help bringing the siloed solutions together. That was an interdisciplinary problem! ​ I was invited to join the work of Elder Care Solutions at the end of 2019 as the CEO. I was reluctant to leave my work in higher education, so asked if I could think about it. Within a week I was thrust into a care situation! I experienced all I needed to by early 2020 to come back at take the opportunity. Starting a new career was a jolt, but I took some core practices with me from academia: Know your field and Be part of the conversation. I joined professional organizations, studied the literature within the aging and care fields, and did my own research. I took my expertise in interdisciplinarism and pulled together the solutions to show families their 10,000-foot view of their real financial options. In 2021, I became full owner of Elder Care Solutions and am personally carrying our mission within my heart. There are societal issues surrounding care that definitely upset me (gender inequities, ethnic and racial inequities, socioeconomic inequities, and the lack of any organized infrastructure for families). We have to make aging and caring for an aging loved one better!

Christopher MacLellan

You Might Know Me As The Bow Tie Guy

My Master’s Degree thesis entitled “Spiral of Silence: Caregiving, Stress and its Impact in the Workplace” was accepted by the faculty at Gonzaga University, where I earned a Master’s degree in Leadership and Communication in 2016. With an educational and professional background in Social Work and Theology and as a former family caregiver, I now view family caregivers and their employers' issues through the lens of Leadership, Communication, and Servant Leadership. My passion is advocacy, sharing stories, and connecting people to trusted resources. I am a proponent of a holistic approach to good health and spirituality. Down-to-earth and pragmatic, I have always worked within a consensus-style framework while building bridges instead of roadblocks. Out of my personal caregiving experience, I wrote "What's The Deal with Caregiving?" a compelling book that informs caregivers about how to deal with the challenges they will encounter, regardless of sexual orientation, family situation, or age. The book is part memoir/how-to, as I share our stories and experiences while on our caregiving journey.

Dr. Brittany Lamb, MD

Board-certified Emergency Medicine physician, dementia family educator and advocate

Dr. Brittany Lamb is a board-certified Emergency Medicine physician, dementia family educator and advocate. In the ER she sees the overwhelm and stress people go through when having to make medical decisions unexpectedly. Family members choosing on behalf of their person living with dementia have even greater challenges. Outside of the ER, Dr. Lamb supports and educates dementia family caregivers, on the importance of, and how to, plan for future medical decisions. Her goal is to deliver the information needed to make informed decisions into the hands of family caregivers through social media, a blog, and an online program. Caregivers who work with her inside her online program “Make Your Plan with Dr. Lamb” create a medical decision plan unique to their person so they can choose confidently and have peace of mind.

Fritzi Gros-Daillon, MS, CSA, CAPS, UDCP, SHSS Director

Education and Advocacy, Age Safe America CEO, Household Guardians Inc.

Fritzi Gros-Daillon is a successful entrepreneur in Senior Move Management, Environmental Consulting and Aging in Place Home Safety and Modification. Named Educator of the Year by NAHB for 2019 and Master Instructor in 2021, she teaches Certified Aging in Place Specialist courses and universal design. Working with Age Safe America, she developed the Senior Home Safety Specialist certification, Grab Bar Training course and co-created an online Family Caregiver Essentials program. Her Master’s in Business from Columbia University, combined with CAPS and UDCP, gives her the experience, perspective and expertise to work with multi-discipline professionals and clients of all ages. Her book, “Grace and Grit: Insights to Real Life Challenges of Aging for Adult Children and their Parents”, won five national book awards and the Canadian Book Excellence award. The book offers insight, humor and a deeper understanding of the complexity of roles and decisions for older adults and families considering changes to their homes. A founding member of the NAIPC San Diego chapter, she has also served on the boards of The Foundation for Senior Wellbeing, the San Diego County Council on Aging and the National Association of Remodeling Industry, San Diego. She is a public speaker on topics of home safety and aging in place at state and national conferences, radio and podcasts.

Lori Ramos Lemasters

Certified Journal to the Self ® Therapeutic Writing Instructor

Lori Ramos Lemasters is the founder of Care Partners Resource and Consulting and a certified Journal to the Self ® Therapeutic Writing Instructor. She cared for her parents the last eight years of their lives and uses that experience to teach caregivers the benefits of using therapeutic journal writing to manage the challenges of caring for a loved one. Lori is a writer, with publications under the last names of Lemasters and Cavallo. She has partnered with many local and national organizations to teach therapeutic journaling to caregivers. She created Caregivers Tuesday Talks Outside the Box and in conjunction with AARP Care-FULL Conversations both are available on Care Partners Resource YouTube Channel. Most recently Lori has published a journal/workbook You’re a Caregiver, Not a Saint: Yeah Write, which is available on Amazon or her website Care Partners Resource.com

Sabrina Johnson, BCPA

Board Certified Patient Advocate, NEDA Proficient End-of-Life Doula

Sabrina Johnson envisioned returning to the classroom after her children were school-aged, but life had other plans. By the time she had her second son, she had experienced more than most do in a lifetime. Within a short three-year span, she lost a pregnancy in the second trimester due to a rare disease, her dad was diagnosed and passed away from ALS, and her mom was diagnosed with Stage IV Colon Cancer. Sabrina decided to use the “when life gives you lemons” philosophy and take what she endured to help others. In 2020 Sabrina started Sabrina Johnson Advocate, and the fire in her heart grew daily. Since then, she has become a Board Certified Patient Advocate, NEDA Proficient End-of-Life Doula. She carries multiple certifications from the American Caregivers Association, is a published author, and cannot stress the importance of a conversation enough. Her mission is to advocate, care for, and educate patients and families from pre to post while working together to be the person you need before you even know you need it.

Theresa Wilbanks

Author, speaker, podcast host, founder of Sustainable Caregiving, and a Certified Caregiver Consultant™.

Theresa cared for her father until his passing at 99 years of age. During that time, she experienced the raging river of emotions that comes with caring for a family member. Overwhelmed and drowning, she developed the 12 Sustainable Caregiving Strategies™ and navigated toward a more sustainable experience. With humor and vulnerability, Theresa shares her story and strategies in her book, Navigating the Caregiver River: A Journey to Sustainable Caregiving. Theresa presents and facilitates workshops to empower caregivers to navigate their caregiving journey confidently. The 12 Sustainable Caregiving Strategies™ are explored in detail on the limited series podcast Self-Caregiving Strategies that Theresa co-hosts with Alison van Schie. An avid traveler, hiker, and paddler, Theresa enjoys spending time in nature and watching the sun rise or set over new landscapes. Theresa spent seven years in France before caring for her father. This European base allowed her to explore many countries, cultures, and foods, an enriching experience in many ways. Emma Smith, English Novelist, said, “Life is like the river. Sometimes it sweeps you gently along, and sometimes the rapids come out of nowhere.” Imagine your caregiving journey is like being in a raft on a river. The river has calm sections, obstacles, rapids, and a few waterfalls. At times, we feel like we’ve been tossed out of the raft and are drowning. When we employ certain strategies to protect our well-being, manage the emotions and the stress, the river doesn’t change, but how we navigate the river changes. We step into the flow. Let’s find our flow together!

Elizabeth Miller

Family caregiver advocate, speaker, author, and Certified Caregiving Consultant

Elizabeth Miller is a family caregiver advocate, speaker, author, and Certified Caregiving Consultant. Elizabeth’s personal experiences caring for aging parents with chronic and terminal illnesses and for a sibling with developmental disabilities inspired her to create Happy Healthy Caregiver in 2015. Through her coaching services, speaking, award-winning podcast, book, and online community, Elizabeth helps family caregivers infuse caregiving and self-care with their busy lives. She is the host of the Happy Healthy Caregiver podcast on the Whole Care Network, author of Just for You: a Daily Self-Care Journal, and facilitates an Atlanta support group for family caregivers called the Atlanta Daughterhood Circle. Elizabeth is also an ally and program guide for the Brutally Beautiful Foundation which offers nature-based wellness retreats for family caregivers.

Ellen MacKay

Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher

Ellen began teaching yoga in 2007. Since then, she has taught more than 4,000 hours of yoga, earning the title of Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher through the Yoga Alliance. Her clientele has ranged from IRONMAN® athletes to people living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Cerebral Palsy. It's Ellen's passion to help others heal their physical and emotional bodies through yoga. She provides group trauma-informed and accessible yoga classes as well as private yoga sessions to those who would like a deeper and more personalized experience.

Rebecca Wellner, M.S., CCC-SLP, CDP

Speech Language Pathologist

Rebecca Wellner, M.S., CCC-SLP, CDP® is a licensed speech-language pathologist working in New York City. She specializes in swallowing and communication disorders with a focus on increasing participation in daily life and fostering meaningful interactions between care partners. Prior to attending graduate school at New York University, Rebecca assisted in neurocognitive research focused on memory and psycholinguistics. As a clinician, she has worked in skilled nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, and home health care. She has experience working with individuals with different types of Dementia, Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Traumatic Brain Injury, Cerebral Palsy, Head and Neck Cancer, post-Covid-19 brain fog, and speech, language, and swallowing disorders following a stroke. Rebecca holds certificates from both the National Council of Certified Dementia Practitioners (Certified Dementia Practitioner®) and from Brush Development (Can Do! Dementia Certificate).

Lisa A. Kendall, LCSW, CSW-G

Social Worker, Clinical Gerontologist, Educator, and Founder of Lisa Kendall Consulting LLC

A retired psychotherapist and award-winning gerontology instructor, Lisa works to transform how we think about aging and Elder care, trauma, and grief. Through education and coaching, she harnesses wisdom, intuition, and creativity to cultivate growth across the lifespan and nurture well-being for every member of the care partner team. Lisa has served caregivers and Elders for almost four decades, pioneering caregiver support in a variety of care settings as well as for business, industry, and higher education. She has contributed to numerous state and local caregiver initiatives and serves as an Educator and Mentor for The Eden Alternative®, speaking internationally on the impact of trauma on Elders and care partners. Lisa has a special interest in exploring spirituality in the second half of life and is a facilitator for SoulCollage® and Circlework™ as well as an end-of-life doula. In all of her work, she nurtures growth and well-being for care partners by building on strengths, creating community, and encouraging participants’ creativity and intuition.

Susan J. (Sue) Ryan

Founder and Inspirationalist - Sue Ryan Solutions

Sue’s mission is to empower and embolden individuals to maximize the opportunities and potential change will bring. As a speaker, change strategist, author, leadership coach, caregiving coach, and positive caregiving support mentor, she lives this through two passions of her purpose. Sue guides and inspires leaders and emerging leaders committed to business growth and next-level leadership to be great leaders of themselves and others. She guides non-professional caregivers to become confident, balanced, and supported in all phases of their caregiving journey. Sue specializes in helping individuals and teams thrive during times of change. She delivers these through her signature offerings Successfully Navigating Transitions - Leadership Through the Dimensions of Change™, The Prodigy Zone™, Leadership C.A.R.E.S.™, and The Caregiver’s Journey. Sue’s corporate career was in enterprise application software sales. In parallel, she’s been in roles of family caregiving support for more than forty years. She’s moved from feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, and yes - sometimes frightened - to confident, balanced, and supported navigating the transitions in her life, the lives of her care receivers, and those who support them on their journey. Paying forward her gratitude for those who’ve leaned in to teach, guide, and support her over the years, Sue shares her lessons, tips, strategies and stories to help others positively navigate their caregiving journeys. Sue is a founding member of the Whole Care Network (WCN). She’s launching both her online course that supports caregivers through their entire caregiving journey, The Caregiver’s Journey, as well as her podcast, Business & Life Reimagined, on the WCN platform. A certified leadership coach, Sue has also earned the John Mattone Platinum-Elite Executive Coach ranking. She brings her non-professional caregiving experience to her volunteer work as a speaker and Community Educator for The Alzheimer's Association, as well as a speaker and volunteer for AlzAuthors. Sue has authored or co-authored three International best- selling books. Two are in the field of business. Her first non-professional caregiving book is Our Journey of Love, 5 Steps to Navigate Your Caregiving Journey, and she’s preparing to publish her second, The Caregiver’s Journey. Sue recently gave her first TEDx talk - her next stop is the TED global platform.

Jennifer Henius, LCSW

Author, Speaker, Yogi, Certified Brain Longevity® Specialist & Social Impact Entrepreneur Founder, Yoga4Caregivers and Caregiver Whole Health

Jennifer Henius is a licensed clinical social worker, trauma-informed yoga teacher, senior health care consultant and a nationally recognized caregiver advocate. Jennifer has 20+ years in health care supporting Veterans, their families, and caregivers. Most notably, Jennifer served on the leadership team for the Department of Veterans Affairs, Caregiver Support Program. Inspired by VA’s cutting-edge approach to whole person-centered care known as Whole Health, Jennifer is passionate about empowering caregivers to take charge of their health and well-being and live their life to the fullest while balancing care and beyond. Jennifer considers it her dharma or highest purpose, to expand access to evidence-based holistic wellness services such as yoga, mindful movement, meditation, and the healing arts to support the health and well-being of caregivers to prevent burnout and chronic disease. Jennifer founded Yoga4Caregivers in 2020 and with the support of her outstanding team, this innovative social enterprise has become a nationally recognized leader in supporting caregiver health and well-being. Jennifer has partnered with numerous organizations to deliver caregiver training and wellness services such as the Family Caregiver Alliance, the Elizabeth Dole Foundation, United Way, and Leeza Gibbons’ Memory Care Foundation. Jennifer and her team present workshops to organizations and employers seeking to become more caregiver inclusive as well as provide corporate wellness services.

Jodi O’Donnell-Ames

Certified Empowerment and Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Jodi is a founder, life coach, speaker, trainer and author. Her true life journey began in 1995 when her husband Kevin was diagnosed with ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease. Jodi was a caregiver to her husband who required a ventilator, feeding tube and 24 hour care. Kevin was speechless and paralyzed at the time of his death in 2001 at the age of 36 years old. Their daughter Alina was 8 years old at the time of Kevin’s passing. Jodi founded Hope Loves Company, a non-profit organization committed to helping the children and grandchildren of ALS patients. She has authored two books, Someone I Love Has ALS and The Stars that Shine. She has a TEDx on Living a Life with purpose and is in the process of finishing her third book, Hope Givers. Jodi has addressed crowds of 1500 people and more and loves empowering people and businesses. New book, Hope Givers out in 2023 Website: www.joaspeakson.com and www.hopelovescompany.org Podcaster: https://pod.co/gratitude-to-latitude

Consuela Marshall, OTR/L, CAPS, CFPS

Occupational Therapist, Caregiver Coach, Consultant

Consuela Marshall is an occupational therapist and the founder of Finding A Foothold Caregiver Coaching and Consulting Service, providing group coaching to family caregivers and to companies in support of their caregiver employees. She has been an occupational therapist for over 25 years, working in an inpatient rehab unit, skilled nursing care unit and then predominantly in the home health setting greater than 20 years. She has entered hundreds of homes, seeing up close and personal the challenges that caregivers face when caring for their loved ones. She has provided therapy services in the home to those with injuries, debilitating diagnoses or who are advanced in age and has provided training to their caregivers who assist them. As a Certified Fall Prevention Specialist and Certified Aging In Place Specialist, she has provided education and training on creating a safe home environment, that maximizes independence of a loved one, minimizes the workload of a caregiver while also minimizing injury and fall risks. Also adding to her formal education is the invaluable education gained from being the caregiver to her mother who had severe physical limitations and to an “aunt” diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Finding A Foothold’s Group Coaching Program, “UN-Losing You In Caregiving”, is a monthly subscription based program that equips caregivers with tools and strategies to help them identify their role and tailor a caregiving plan that also addresses their needs. The coaching group meets twice a month via zoom. Consuela is the host of Caregivers Finding A Foothold Podcast and creator of MyFoothold Blog which allows caregivers to present challenges they are facing and receive insight on ways to over those challenges. Consuela is also a public speaker and featured on numerous podcasts.

Jeannette Galvanek

Employment Specialist, Speaker, Career Coach, Founder CareWise Solutions

CareWise Solutions advocates for major attitudinal and institutional shifts in how employers, employee-caregivers, and teams work, live and care for aged and disabled family members. Steeped in 25 years of transformational leadership in a global, Fortune 50 corporation, Jeannette offers alternative paths to the current economic, human capital and digital ecosystem employee caregiving models for work and care across America. At least 55% of today’s workforce are employee caregivers, and the healthcare-oriented family care system fails to meet the multifaceted needs of today’s employee caregivers and their families. Jeannette was educated at Quinnipiac, Harvard and Insead International Universities. She held executive positions with AT&T, sharpening her corporate and national policy development and implementation skills. She has over a dozen publications that support caregivers and their employers. As a mother of two daughters with special needs and caregiver to her aging mother, she has personally experienced some of the employment, financial and other impacts of juggling multiple responsibilities. Jeannette can be booked as an expert speaker for special events, offers one-to-one career coaching, and consults with organizations as they implement benefits and systems that support caregivers in the workplace. CareWise Solutions offers training and other programs for employed caregivers, team leaders, HR and EAP professionals, Employee Resource Groups, Internal Communications and PR Teams.

Kelly Johnson and Debra Kelsey-Davis

Nourish for Caregivers

Kelly Johnson is currently responsible for Adult Faith Formation at St. Mary of Gostyn Parish in Downers Grove. With Deb, she is the Co-founder of Nourish for Caregivers and Co-author of The Caregiver’s Companion. Kelly completed her Lay Leadership Certification from University of St. Mary of the Lake, Mundelein Seminary. Kelly is on the Board of the Catholic Family Life Association as Region Representative. While seemingly unrelated, Kelly’s career as VP Client Services at a Chicago-based Advertising Agency prepared her for the dynamic interactions in Church ministry. Along with her husband Bob, she is mother to two adult sons. It is from her caregiving experiences with her then-five-year-old son’s cancer diagnosis and treatments, and now living with his disabilities that, “the Holy Spirit nudged her” into ministry to caregivers. Debra Kelsey-Davis is a registered nurse (RN) and healthcare leadership advisor. She holds a Master’s degree in Health Services Administration from the University of St. Francis and a Certificate in Geriatric Fundamentals from UC Davis. With Kelly, she is the Co-founder of Nourish for Caregivers and Co-author of The Caregiver’s Companion. Deb is a Certified Lay Leader, is an active member of the Health Ministries Association, and serves on the Board of Directors for both the Illinois Catholic Health Association and the National Association of Catholic Nurses. After caring for her mother-in-law who fought and lost her battle with cancer, Deb left the corporate world “to focus on what really matters”, by ministering to caregivers. She is blessed to be currently caring for her aging mother, one of the most important challenging roles of her lifetime. Deb is grateful for the love and support of her husband, family and friends.

Monica Stynchula

Monica Stynchula is a dynamic and accomplished leader in the fields of public health, social work, and technology. With a master’s degree in public health from the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health, a master’s in social work from the University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work, and a Bachelor of Arts from Seton Hill University, Monica has a strong educational foundation that has enabled her to excel in her career. Monica's current positions reflect her commitment to improving the lives of others. As the CEO and Founder of REUNIONCare, Inc. and Credit for Caring, she is dedicated to providing innovative solutions for caregivers and their loved ones. She founded and directed the Caregiver Accelerator for AARP Innovations Lab, where she works to support and empower caregivers through education and resources. Monica's technology skills are extensive, with certifications in Health Information Technology from both the Health Information Management Systems Society and the American Health Information Management Association. She has also completed the Graduate Health Information Technology Workforce Retraining Program and has advanced training in CRM Infusionsoft and social media. Monica's leadership abilities are evident in her numerous awards and accolades. She has received the Distinguished Alumna Award from Seton Hill University and has been recognized as an Encore Entrepreneur in the Built Environment. Monica served on the USA Small Business Administration’s National Women’s Business Council as the Chair of the STEM subcommittee for three years. She has also served as a panelist for the Seoul 50+ International Forum and has held leadership positions with AARP Florida, the Florida Council on Aging, and the Junior League. In addition to her current positions, Monica has a wealth of experience in various roles throughout her career. She has worked as an educator and academic consultant, creating course material, and advising teachers in training. She has also served as a Social Work Supervisor, Director of Development, Managed Care Coordinator, and Director of Health Promotion, among other roles. Monica's dedication to improving the lives of others is evident in her work and accomplishments. She is a passionate advocate for caregivers and their loved ones and is committed to making a positive impact in her community and beyond.

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